Parts Home > Ford Fiesta Parts > Coil
Ford Fiesta
Coil Packs
MC'S AutoFactors carry an extensive stock of coil packs for all Ford vehicle
models including the Fiesta. So if you are looking for a coil pack for
your Ford Fiesta please call our parts hotline at (01)
408 9042 today for the best value available anywhere, plus next day express delivery
of your Ford Fiesta coil pack to any destination throughout Ireland.
What is a Car Coil Pack?
The main
function of your vehicle's coil pack is to increase your car or van's
electrical volt power up to 70,000 volts. This high voltage sets fire
to spark plugs and consequently igniting the fuel in the cylinder. This
is the process that starts the vehicle and gets the engine running.
A coil pack
is made up of thin wires that are wrapped around a core unit. It is usually
situated on top of, or underneath, an car engine's dust cover. In modern
cars a coil pack is a replacement for the old distributor. It is an electronically
controlled pack of ignition coils that is managed by the car's computer
system. In normal conditions coil packs are considerably more reliable
than distributors. This is because there are no moving parts and they
fire less frequently than a distributor. Coil packs generally create a
better spark and that produces better combustion and horsepower in the
vehicle's engine.
With Coil Packs
Problem coil
packs usually have symptoms that are quite similar to those caused by
defective spark plugs, such as:
- Rough idling
- Unusually loud engine
- Lack of power
- Significant drop in RPMs
while accelerating
- Fuel warning light comes
on even though the vehicle has sufficient fuel
- Occasional smoke coming
from the exhaust, instead of in a steady stream
If you need
to order a replacement Ford Fiesta coil pack please contact MC's today.
Order Ford Fiesta Coil Packs
From MC'S AutoFactors
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